- Sumen am19.06.2020 - 15:00
Suche Sänger/in,…
Suche für eine Death Metal Projekt Sänger/in, Gitarrist/in und Bassist/in. Alle Infos hier: https://www.sumen.de/ Erstes Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhaOkNUAtCs - MP7131 am15.06.2020 - 11:33
Hey everyone! My name is Marina and I am a 23 y/o drummer originally from the states living here in Berlin. My primary instrument are the drums but also play guitar as a secondary instrument. I'… - Hugo am14.06.2020 - 10:22
A new rock/glam/punk…
We (Arnaud and Hugo) have enough songs to play a 40 min gig and record 2 EPS, we want to launch this project around September and are aiming playing/touring after that. But first we need to find the… - urbannomadberlin am12.06.2020 - 08:52
Eclectic musical project
I'm a guitar/bass player looking for musicians for an ECLECTIC project: rock, jazz, latin, electronic, world music, you name it. We can use at anytime a rehearsal room with plenty of instruments… - vivi1 am10.06.2020 - 17:50
Female singer looking for musicians/ band
Hi there, I’m looking for musicians in Berlin to jam and cover songs with. I mostly sing Pop, Rock and Soul, Jazz. Would also love to write songs together or start a band. Feel free to contact… - Immature am03.06.2020 - 13:53
Hallo Zusammen! Ich (Schlagzeuger/Cajonist/Perkussionist), mit Mini und Normal Set suche eine Band, die gerne mit viel Dynamik drinnen und draußen spielt und als größtes Ziel hat, das Publikum und… - Jonas.Trettin am02.06.2020 - 12:47
If you are playing the guitar, keyboard, bass, drums or any other instrument you can join a Bands and start playing in a band TODAY! Bands is a rock band workshop for hobbyist musicians. We match… - hannes am01.06.2020 - 12:39
hope you made it through the covid-lockdown-madness – our band setup sadly hasn’t, so now we’re looking for a passionate drummer again :) At the moment we are guit/bass (m, 21) and guit/vocals (m… - Joey am28.05.2020 - 12:36
Hi, wir machen eigene Songs als 3-Piece und sind von QOTSA, Reignwolf, Royal Blood, Foo Fighters, etc. inspiriert und suchen nach einem Bassisten/Bassistin. Nicht „einfach so“, lari-fari zum Spaß… - cataclysm am28.05.2020 - 12:35
Our Nu Metal band searches for a vocalist. We’re looking for someone with a strong scream or growl. Our influences range from Limp Bizkit to Soulfly If interested, please contact the given email.… - queentin am27.05.2020 - 12:31
Classic Rock/ Blues Rock Band searching for singer and Drummer. The Drummer should drive the band forward and should play with groove. You should be in a age from 13 years to 20 years. - marc am27.05.2020 - 12:21
I Play rudimentary Synthguitar, Synth and Drummachine, all-in-one :-) CYBERPUNK/SYNTHWAVE/DARKSYNTH DUO LOOKING FOR A VOICE LIKE IAN CURTIS, BILLY IDOL or LANA DEL REY check: https://www.… - fritzi am25.05.2020 - 12:20
BASS oder COCKTAILDRUMS/PERCUSSION oder 2. GITARRE Ich (43 J.) spiele (Gitarre) und singe seit geraumer Zeit alles, was ich von den White Stripes in die Hände bekomme. Ein paar Auftritte hier und… - kmb5 am24.05.2020 - 12:16
Hey there, we are a Berlin-based stoner / heavy rock band currently looking for a singer. We are playing together for a while now, have a couple demos recorded and a lot of different ideas. Style is… - Obul am23.05.2020 - 13:20
Hi, ich bin Sänger und Gitarrist (27) und suche Anschluss eine Band. Die Menschen innerhalb der Band spielen für mich eine größere Rolle als das Genre aber ich fühle mich schon zu Hause im Bereich… - Jens am23.05.2020 - 12:14
Dear fellow musicians! I’m a guitar player in my thirties, looking to start something exciting! Not too professional but still practicing regularly and striving to get a nice groove going on! …of… - Niko am23.05.2020 - 12:13
Lower Than Atlantis/Don Broco/Enter Shikari Mein Drummer und ich suchen mitstreiter. In erster Linie einen Gitarristen. Zu uns Wir sind sehr Bühnenerfahren, Tourerfahren und vor allem… - Martn B. am23.05.2020 - 12:09
A Berlin based electronic project looking for a (preferable male) singer with strong, unique voice. Style-wise somewhere between Apparat, UNKLE, Nine Inch Nails, Linkin Park, Massive Attack… Write… - tester am11.03.2020 - 22:09
Isolaters suchen Bandmates
Hallo, wie sind the Isolaters, https://soundcloud.com/user-201507725 und suchen neue bandmates. gesucht wird jemand der die synthesizer und die tasten bedient, sowie Gitarre oder Bass, bisher haben… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:41
Looking for a bassist and a drummer.
Hi, This is the Berlin based label Confidential Records, most famous for Techno music, and our Nirvana based grunge band Lithium with front man and guitarist Dan Cortez is looking for a bassist… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:41
Looking for bass, guitar and keys
der Titel trifft`s auf den Punkt wir sind ein singer/songwrite/rythmusgitarrist und ein drummer und suchen Unterstützung für unsere geile mucke und da kommst DU ins Spiel! noch besser wäre wenn… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:40
Looking to Start a Pop-Punk Band in Berlin
Singer looking to start a band with open minded 20-30 something year old people. Would like to start with pop-punk / grunge covers and then move to original music. Must be available to practice once… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:40
Online project
Looking for people that are interested in an online music project. Would like to focus on electro, prog and art rock. Some bands I love: everything everything, alt-j, soad, animals as leaders, tool… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:39
Doomband sucht gutturale Vocals
Moin! Wir sind eine Doomband und suchen einen versierten Sänger, der gutturalen Gesang beherrscht, clean muss nicht sein, wäre aber ein Sahnehäubchen obendrauf. Wir wollen eine digitale/analoge EP… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:38
Band Neugründung
Ich bin Julia und suche Mitmusiker/innen für eine neue Band: (Schlagzeug) Backing vocal Bass Keyboard/ Piano (gern Sound Liebhaber) Ich mache main vocals und Piano. Musik-Richtung:… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:36
Hi! My name is Filippo Dall’Asta and I am a Gypsy Jazz (Jazz Manouche) guitar player. I have been playing professionally in London for the past 10 years and I am moving to Berlin in October. I… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:36
Hey! My name is Laura and I am 19 years old. Due to studying vocals at BIMM, I will move to Berlin at the beginning of September. I mostly sing Pop, Rock and Soul. Some of my favorite vocalists… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:32
I’m looking for like-minded musicians in Berlin: Vocals, Drummer, Bassist. I myself play electric guitar and have previous stage / studio experience. We could start with playing covers and then… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:31
bass/guitar musician looking for…
Hey guys! I wanna play more guitar and bass again (like with an actual band rather than production stuff). My bass playing is very good, I’m a fast learner and got my sound figured out. With… - roomsadmin am05.08.2019 - 21:30
Percussive fingerstyle…
Hey there! My name is Jaime (28M). I have been playing guitar for 15 years now. Lately I have been focusing on percussive fingerstyle (John Butler, Jon Gomm, Newton Faulkner, that kind of playing… - tester am05.08.2019 - 02:05
Fresh ideas, cool sounds, minimal…
Drummer searching for new project. Many years of recording and touring rock, folk, blues, singer-songwriter and pop acts. Not sure exactly what I’m looking for but maybe you’re it.