Di., 16.07.2024 - 14:31

Guitarist looking for Key-Synth-Organ partner in crime to create music together/record/go live

Hi there!
I'm looking for someone that plays the Keys - I have a regular slot on Sundays in a room in Moabit and would like to put some songs together there. Genre is psychedelic/rock/funky (open to mutations).
In my ideal dream world I'd like to both mix the Doors organ sounds with some improvisation on keys but also cater the electro side - so some beats, abletonstyle elements etc to make it new and hip. Was just watching Jin Jin and saw how they're mixing in electro: - I think in Berlin this could fly.

Regarding the current situation: We have a very good drummer, but currently a bit limited timewise due to parenting. Bassist also there, Singer also in limited capacity.

We have very good recording setup + materials, with mixing capabilities and home studios and our drummer beeing a pro sound engineer - so we can produce very good stuff.

Currently I have some songs that need to be finished in home studio and could use keyboard - you could participate there. And in general the idea is to develop/arrange new pieces, and find a way to record them and perform them live - if you're good in putting together beats we could maybe survive for a while with limited time capacity of drummer and perform. Otherwise we may need to get someone to play with us.

The first step would be to arrange/record some songs, rehearse them, maybe test in small stages. So basically I'd need a sort of partner in crime to also collab with developing this artistically.

I'm a firm believer in jamming to develop new pieces, so if you like that aswell would be awesome.

Feel free to write for more info or for some sounds. Ahja, age range should be something like 28-40


Guitarist looking for Key-Synth-Organ partner in crime to create music together/record/go live