Wed, 04/06/2022 - 23:33

[Producers Wanted] Feeling trapped in your head?

Fellow producer looking for other producers to share musical ideas and gain feedback!

Do you sometimes feel when you're producing your music like your "running in circles"?
Do you want to share some drafts with people but feel they are "too raw" and afraid of the reaction?
Do you think talking about your process would help you finish up tracks and gain confidence?

I know that I would answer "yes" to all of these questions. If you feel so too, then maybe this is for you.

The idea is a small producers club. We meet every week (or every other week) and share our musical ideas. We give feedback in a constructive and encouraging fashion. It's a safe competition free space where we can all grow as musicians. It will most likely be online so you can keep your anonymity (just open another email account).

If this sounds interesting - hit me up at shaked.yuval@gmail.com

Community search:
[Producers Wanted] Feeling trapped in your head?