Mon, 05/13/2024 - 09:12

Looking for Rythm Guitarist for band project

We‘re a new band project consisting of Drums, Bass and Lead Guitar, mostly moving in the genres Of shoegaze, dream pop, surf, rock… We are currently working on songs (demos available) and would now love an additional Guitar for rythm. It would be great to have some pedals like a fuzz, chorus or delay to back dreamy sounding parts. We’d love to play live soon but the drummer is leaving in the near future, so we are not yet carved in stone. Ages are around 20-28. Backing vocals are a plus! Don’t hesitate to leave me a message via Instagram (@hendrikboerner) or on WhatsApp +491725357898, so we can jam together and have fun :) cheers!
Community search:
Looking for Rythm Guitarist for band project