Nicholas Fink
Sun, 01/08/2023 - 14:36

searching for DRUMMER - DOOM

Once again. I hope this COVID shit and angst is now over. And searching musicians get better results. I am vaccinated 4 times and recovered by the way...

Low down tuned Doom project (mix of Ahab, Bell Witch, Bongripper, Paradise Lost, Sumac) consisting of singer (NO clean singing), 8-string, VI-string bass and 5-string subcontra bass LOOKING FOR A DRUMMER.

The way of working is currently via Dropbox where the “guitar” arrangements (all 5 are already finished) are located and are completed by the drummer with grooves. Then it goes to the sub-bass and the singer and is re-written between these steps. A possible way of working would also be digital drums/plugins instead of analog recording if this is not possible. Also being loud in a rehearsal room or noisy rooms is now possible.

The first goal is to complete a 5-song EP with an associated artwork and to offer it as a digital medium via frequented channels (Bandcamp, Spotify and Co) and to advertise accordingly.
The second goal is to play shows in Berlin and the surrounding area.

Gender, skin color and age does not matter. Link is an instrumental version. More songs or guitar arrangements on request. Please, don't forget your connection data when you answer. Cheers!
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searching for DRUMMER - DOOM