Thu, 08/22/2024 - 16:01

TOOL Covers - Drummer wanted

We (vocalist, guitarist, bassist) are looking for a drummer to join our TOOL-Cover project.

We're far from pros ourselves, so you don't have to be either. The goal of the project is to just cover TOOL/A Perfect Circle songs to challenge ourselves to improve and force us to practice regularly at home.
If you're interested in doing the same, and feel like you'd currently be able to play the easiest TOOL songs and just want to grow from there, then you'd be a good fit. :)

Ambition-wise we're just doing this for ourselves with no current aims to perform. We just want to enjoy playing some of our favourite songs together and use that motivation to improve our playing. If you're interested, or have more questions, feel free to message me!


(Whatsapp/Telegram me at 0176 225 987 01 to get in touch)
Community search:
TOOL Covers - Drummer wanted