Fri, 09/20/2024 - 12:24

Guitar and Bass duo looking for a drummer

Heyy, me (18nb) and my friend (18m) have been jamming on an intermediate level for quite a while now (bass and guitar) and have come to the conclusion that we need a drummer. Mainly we compose originals in the indie / punkrock genre with the odd cover here and there, and occaisonally go busking with a hat. If we get really lucky, a gig or two even comes our way. Nonetheless we've decided that its time procure ourselves a new addition in the form of some live percussion rather than the digital backing tracks we usually use, prefereably under 35 and on a similar level as us.
If that sounds interesting to you, or even if you just'd like to jam for fun, hit me up and we'll make it happen.
(Ach ja übrigens wir sind auch beide Deutschprecher also keine Sorge haha)
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Guitar and Bass duo looking for a drummer